Continuing the pattern that started when I was visiting home for graduation, Sawyer and I have been beating the streets like crazy this summer, averaging six or seven miles of walking or running every day. We know the limited walking routes here like the back of our hand, or paw, in his case.
On Saturday, Matt dove back into another passion of his, and signed up for an MMA tournament in a town about an hour away - an actual town, unlike the sad sprawl of developments and strip malls that we currently live in, outside the main gate onto post. Frequent get-aways are a must while we serve our time here before moving on to bigger and better things.

Monday was Matt's first day of classes as a full-time graduate student, and in a civilian atmosphere, complete with a sack lunch and real civilian clothes!
His schedule is a busy one - he will finish the degree in December - but he has Tuesdays off from class entirely. Enjoying our joint freedom before the semester gets intense, we joined a couple friends on the range and practice green at the golf course on post on Tuesday morning because, as the saying goes, practice makes perfect. That evening, we also chose two new recipes to experiment with, gathered our ingredients, and made a delicious paleo lasagna and a not-so-paleo, espresso-fudge ice cream sundae. We almost never, ever do desserts or sweets in this house, so it was a real treat!
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